
HAHA :DD learned +math with abg ngokngek alya.


foe almost 2 hours we chat i think ,
so , he said tht he's soo boaring .

then i asked him to sleep and he answered : " tok ngantok lg la mokcek"
HAHA xD whatever la dude !

~~~~~~ a few mins ~~~~~~~~
i don't know what subject we're talking about last night ,
then he asked me to ask some questions tht has to do
wif KEMAHIRAN HIDUP . *gulp*
soo i asked him : " fktor reka bntuk ade brape?"
*come on dude answer this :p
so he aswered : keselamatan , nilai komersial dll :)
*isk* bdak WEIRD ! i'm ask foe how many ,
then he told me tht S T U F F ! HAHA :D
it sokes lar * LUCKY him, he got the right answer . haha :D
* T H U M B S up * xD
so he asked foe my questions again ,
he said : wht bout maths ?
aw * aw * feel soo MELT with tht sub . haha :DD
^.^ ---------> oke ! *AGREE*
so i asked him this simple ques : -34+7-47+5
something lyke tht larhh but NOT this ques . hoho
so he answered it right !
*THUMBS up agayn and agayn *
- isk - KUAT mamat nyh dpt thumbs up from me . huahahaha ;DD
he told me that, that ques is soo simple*PRASAN*
any other choices ?
i told him tht , i wanna give him a lil bit tiring than befoe
but tht type of ques have to use papers and all those KIND!
*mlas* HAHA :P
hahahahahahahahaah :DD
~~~~~~ beberapa momment ~~~~~~~
oke larh :)
LET ME ask ue some question .
so he asked me .
234448485692949.0 *NOT the real ques* hehe * something lyke tht
so he asked foe my answer ;*sigh*
urm so , i answered : 234448485692949
he said tht the answer is just a digit . urmm.
he said tht in form 4 we learned tht if there is (.)
it's mean times -------> *DARAB*
~~~~oo~~~okes !
so he asked me again :
jwb nih ?
so my answer is : bdak primary punn nk gelak klau i tell ue my answer .
so , he said : ckp je la .
so , i SAID ! NO3 ~
ue tell the answer first and i'll check back .
okes .
of course ue x thu sbb tuu " clcom top4 ddk ats katil yg spe ntah !"
^^^^^ MUKE BENGANG !! ^^^^^^
OMG ! is this a trick ?
L O L :(
so he asked foe my answer ,
then i said : I WANNA KICK UE !!!
hahahaha :DD
rilex2 :D
and the rest is ours .
so THT'S all :D
KLAU dye bace saye MENGUMPAT dye kt sinii ,
hahaha :DD
toodles ;
LILILO ----->mymy :D

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