
SPREAD all in H.E.A.R.T <3

this is JUST half of korang !
youu knoe what , saye puas sbb dpt SPREAD sume words in my heart . fuhh !
it's doesn't meaning tht i want you to care bout me just appreciate me a lil bit .
appreciate doesn't meaning tht i want you to buy me fones, accesories and SEANGKATANNYA ;

just need yr attention = i mean just appreciate our relationships .

and SERIOUSLY i can say is TODAY is the worst DAY ever :(
i've got to speak in front of the class and told them
lyke being a STUPID girl (NOT suppose to but have to) talking with the people who just ignore mai words !
NOT all of them act just HALF :D

ouh . i really HATE people yg MEMANDAI buat group .
bgus la sgt ade group uh !
korg engt korg duk MENGATE org tuh , ANDA MATURED kah ?

oke2 . saye x NAK caryk GADUH act .
tp , OBVIOUSLY melampau !

oke2 , the story was OVER at 9:00 A.M.

sincerely written bai ,

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oppsy * crush