
what a tiring DAY :(

K E M S O L A T di SCHOLA 2009 :)
actually we're had a KEM solat . hoho
aduh ! letiwh ma . ( woyt auntie , u've never been to any camp befoe this? ) "what a shame on you !
yea , many times bbe . but saje nk mengisi ruang mai blog !
hahahaha xD

btw , we're having lots of fun act .

oh MY GOD ! tis one i can't forget it .
( jd sycho wif a situation involving kak KD and kak FACI and rozana ( penghuluwati )
yes ! the drama mkes me cry a lot .
sape sangka kn si mcek ni menangis . haha
but seriously , it so T O U C H I N G ! :(
haha xD so my tears is NOT a drama oke :DD

P R O B L E M A 's :(:(
erghhh ! my camera's doing its ego !
tetibe jea CARD error la .
and once agayn OMG cause at the end of tht camp tht CAMERA berfungsi lyke usual .
( what a weird camera "erghh " )

haha xD
at tht tyme aso ,
we're given our BARANG amanah ( kena jaga tis barang carefully )
haha xD THT BARANG amanah was ( kacang yg tidak sebesar jari klingking punn) :(
tis KACANG kena bring along wherever kite tuju or kite JEJAK . hehe
and what a shame is , mymy kena bediri as k'zu ask foe tht barang amanah !
* ( tetinggal atas masjid bbe ) * arghhhhhh !
haha xD tp yg luckynye sbb x yah kena HADIAH ( denda ). haha
and tht was my first and last mistake about barang amanah ! HAHA XD
ku eppy , ku girang and WHATEVER la andaa aunty :DD

so , tht's the END tale nye . hehe
the rest in my DEAR DARO ( diary ) hehe :DD

last but NOT list ,
as sume org blik camera yg ku ingin GIGIT nie , berfungsi .
so , picha nie hanya dgn org yg sempat . haha xD

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